Friday, October 8, 2010

Zaino Wax Before And After

The 5th Comment

For me this was part of one of the most interesting parts of the book. We learn such things about Grenoille that could not even guess! One would think he needs anything or anyone, but now it appears, that even has Grenoille need for love! And he wants so much that he is ready to bring the people to make them love him and collect. And anyway, many philosophical Topics are touched on in this part of the novel. For example, that every person, even those such as Grenoille who is mentioned as a human being really hard, needs love, love of others. And nothing can replace that! About the power of the lie is told here Auchter. And Grenoille who could not even read, has understood very quickly and use it for his own use. I personally embarrassed that that the crude stutterer, uneducated Grenoille is so smart and clever. Clearly mark it more out of life than all this Marquis. He behaves logically and reasonable. Grenoille also has a definite idea of yourself - " ... because he is evil through and through. And while he smiled and was very happy . " An extraordinary man in every case.


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