Friday, October 22, 2010

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-The End-The 6th

After the had read thoughts of my fellow students here at LiveJournal, I decided that yes, it is generally two types of people: those who find the novel "Perfume" absurd and the other who like him very . I do not quite understand why some hate the book so (The story is interesting, und viele mögen doch Horrorfilme, warum kann man nicht auch „Das Parfüm“ mögen??

  Ich glaube, man kann Idee des Autors im engeren Sinne und im breiten Sinne verstehen. Vielleicht wollte Patrik Süskind zeigen, wie verschiedene Düfte unterschiedlich auf den Menschen wirken und sogar das Befinden und das Verhalten beeinflussen.  Er hat uns ja nicht umsonst in die in die spannende Welt der Gerüche und dessen Vielfalt eingeführt. Und zweitens weist der Autor darauf out that all living beings need love. Even Grenouille. He wanted to be loved and revered, but the experience of power has made him not happy. I guess it is so so, for he understood that only satisfy intimate, "natural" love can. I think so ... Grenouille noticed that just love all his scent, it serves as a mask. You can spend hours talking about the topic is very interesting. But I want to sleep already)


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