Tuesday, December 13, 2005

When Have You Felt Ashamed

Alsooo .. what is happening to myself at the moment.

really just stress! o0 The reality catches up with me a little and teacher stress MCIH merh than I like .. even if I did the exams moderately free "learn" XD yes you have won at some point ..

* sigh * Did I chat with ner friend about RPGs, so jez really RPGs, and TCG and Larp o0 so .. I Papert up jez only minor pen &-hab XD (cool word XD) would I like to try the rest so times!
hmm .. It occurs to me I think I looked at me already ... Magic but we geplayt ham? Tom tell ma wat! But Larp! Ouh! >. \u0026lt; I'm sooo rich coward XD I larp with myself that MUST .. tuts but non-o0! Hm. one could even begin to see .. o0 aba .. I also know of no time to take me würdäää! na. perhaps that which I have spoken. aba I've even seen yet ncih o0 .. many light-isses so simple? A la sau know me eh no? XD .. hmm ..
Na .. let's see what the future: aba it says clearly: Fantasy is it better than Real uu
The real world me someday break o0 and I sent before a word of understanding o0

---> The labor office NEN me t * cough * blah blah blah .. *
not understand what the word did I say now would
* and below: they still get a written opinion .... o0 ... o0

The employment agency sends me a letter: * cough * (non-queried where the difference is)
blablabla, date here and there, consulting with Ms. Ding dingesn in space .. We will soon zuschickn materials on the subject .. o0 .. the "material" came the next day by mail ... ... o0 o0
uu I really gebs
on the ham, quite a Mack!
what o0 ne waste of paper!

Joa ... otherwise .. öö when I think of what I do still nen post ^ ^



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