Friday, February 20, 2004

Saree Blouse With Zip Model

emundlij @ 2004-02-20T16: 29:00

Sorry dear livejournal, but I need to get rid of what ... I do not know if this is what LJeintrag, I feel a tingling feeling very numb from the head down to the fingertips, as well as cruel. maybe I just freezing, but I'm dizzy. and everything, I think, because of any typed letters and words that are actually quite insignificant and not even addressed to me. But to judge me, criticize me or indicated as a "friend," I deeply dislike, as far as "man" to me was never real, or the like. I express in this entry want? I would like to hereby internet friendships, relationships, distance, etc.. I agree that a person in my past, so it is difficult mirauch. So I ask you, my readers, what it brings to mind when the world out there in the big wide a "somebody" thinks of you or has a bad / good opinion of you? what good internet friends (I wonder if I at this point may "friends" to write. I just this am, I must note, though, that the criteria of friends web-based and real from the ground up must be different, because individuality virtual chatters a guarantee does not match the real one.)? they are not pure zeitvetreib? maybe internet friends "conversation" partner etc. but how can you to a web chat window on the world wide (although the chatter with a picture-an outer appearance, etc.) links to build their appreciation of a relation, and claim? these questions should I open in the room. So post your comments ...


Em and Lij


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