Friday, February 10, 2006

Does Phentermine Expire

satirac @ 2006-02-10T21: 17:00

1) When ist.dein birthday? : 04/21/1987

2) What are your favorite animals? :
Panther hrrrrmmm, alternatively cats ^ ^

3) What have you hang on your key?
a ring so that it is not lost and it still ne chain with all possible waste

4) What is your favorite word? :
Cheataaaaa the xD is sooo .. hmm ..* melt on the tongue but then let * gibs so much, actually I like almost all words can ^ ^

5) Which sentence or word you hear no more:
"You are the biggest bitch the there are "

6) What annoys you most at present? :
still my mother

7) What are you currently very much? : Non
whom? then .. my kitten Rumpi, Klara well;.) and my keyboard> \u0026lt;oh damn I can decide ncih

8) Do you have pets? If so what for whom and what are their names?
Fischöööööö no name, July & Astor dogs, cats & Klara Rumpi, mites 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 .. xD

9) You lead a relationship currently? : Hmm ..
a strange

10) What would you to a desert island
oh God take a motor boat with enough fuel, I want to keien deserted island o0 * puff *

11) What do you eat most? :
Spaghettii! >. \u0026lt;Schokoladäää, licorice, soup, hmm .. * * Squeak everything except garlic and goat products * * simplistic ?

12) What are your hobbies:
sleep, cuddle, scribble, write, rumspinnen stare, (stalk), bluster> eating, "nibble singing;)

15) What is your favorite radio stations. ?
anImate_wave ^ ^ and then Fritzzz

16) What are the strangest names you've ever heard?
hmm ... Tillmann, .. Mushy xD

17) How hot would you like if you would let you rename? :
otherwise .. Esmeralda xD no non-white, something more beautiful

18) Last movie you saw?
Chronicles of Narnia

19) If you were a crayon, what color you had then?
a chalk? Eh .. I think orange or purple

20) Where will you spend your honeymoon?
uff .. Japan o0

22) Do you have a lava lamp? :

23) How many people are on your buddy list: 51
* count *?. aba non really all buddies o0

24) What is your name backwards?
acinar .. okay ..

25) What do you have as a background image?
february calendar picture of Nephy

27) Who do you most admire?
Naoko Takeuchi, Arina Tanemura, Akira Toriyama, ^ ^ "

29) What is currently your favorite song? :
Down with the Sickness

30) How wilt many children you ever?
soooo * to hand-count * Zero

31) How many boys / girls:
I could decisionmaking me non, if I had of both a

32) When did you last cry?

33) What are you thinking now?
that I should do something sinnvollreres

34) Do you like flowers? :
is ö.ö

35) Do you talk much?
hmm. .> \u0026lt;Jaaaaaaa, but Anna has lied here o0

36) Are you superstitious?
actually somehow

37) Do you believe in love at first sight? : Hmm ..
non really

38) Do you believe in heaven?
what else the s up there?

39) What do you usually eat for breakfast?
warm Nutella toast, from time to time for a change, warm honey toast .. hmmm

41) Who are the stupidest person you know is:
... I can not decide

42) Who is the smartest person you know?
itsa me o0 no, hmm no idea @ @ gibs too many I wear to my mind when s ..

43) Do you believe in miracles? Absolutely

44) How many pillows do you sleep?
3 so ö.ö

46) What is the worst feeling?
alone * since Anna consensus *

47) What's the best feeling?
this excited tingle .. one has in certain situations uu nyuuuhh

48) What are your favorite names (boys): @ @
boaahh stupid questions ..

49) What are your favorite names (girls)?

50) What is your favorite color?
emerald green

52) Where do you buy one most? Bookstore
and supermarket (Schooooki)

53) What color is your hair?
Sun iwie blond strands with darker and so

54) How tall are you?
164 1 / 2 O0!

55) Do you take drugs?
tea should also be .., sugar also .. So looks like ^ ^

56) Do you smoke?
hmm .. non really o0

57) If so, what brand?
öhhmmm @ @ no?

58) Which shampoo do you use?
Lotus and soybean o0

59) Are your hair short or long?
were times longer TT

60) do you like shopping?
No! o0 only if for reading material or feeding stuff goes xD
Party (or black long dresses, with lace and soo omg *.* I come away nothing around, I'll break iwann the Underground is an all times and try out .. * sigh *)

61) What sports do you do?
basketball, table tennis

62) How many phones do you have at home?
3 + handy

63) How many TVs do you have at home?

64) Do you of how a famous person?
lar o0 who knows sa-chan ^ ^ non

66) Do you sleep on your back, stomach or side?
alone on the belly, with a cat on his back, with someone this page rather uu

67) In what clothes do you sleep?
nightgown ^ ^ to visit sometimes bissl more ..

69) What kind of car you'd like?
TT ^ ^ black
70) What is in your school especially: a European school
.. o0 So somehow international stuff .. I remember but not much of

71) Are you funny or strange?
funny because strangely o0 n MCIH strange because I even find the funniest? ^ ^ "

72) What is the ugliest person you know
me> \u0026lt;hmm, no true non Dörrrrteee .. .. the name says everything scho au Xd

73) Do you pray?.?
not o0 really hope more and ask

74) Is the glass half-empty or half full: half full

75) Are you right or left handed?

76) Would you ever see someone cheat?

77) Have you ever tried to kill yourself?
... not really enough

78) Do you have siblings?
brother and sister

79) If yes, how old they are and what are their names?
Roy, 17 Tina, 12 or 11?

80) What are you addicted?.
sugar, cocoa, -> chocolate, feta> \u0026lt;

81) do you like jewelry:
yeah ..? *.*

82) Who has it easier, boys or girls?
guy, although sies other way to say probably, which I can understand because they dont know how wissner plöt to the plutn and is constantly To be scared -.-

83 Would) you prefer large or small?
naaa oo so 10 cm would scho non Übl

84 study) Would you?

85) If yes, what?
Japanese and prefer to psychology, but I imagine even CNIH schlechtvor Celtic history or library science, Egyptology @ @, moah, or even the old folks, Biology is certainly fun and art .. oh man ... * sigh * I want to live longer and ALL

know 86) What school do you visit?

87) Do you feel comfortable in your class / level:
not so much, but this is because I am foreclosed on purpose and have no job far better themselves. yet, despite this mid because people who love to force itself on me:) I also wnen ever wanted to stay true to my old friends ..

88) Are you sleeping much: too little

89) Are you a morning or a night person?

90) How many rooms does your house?
5th. o0

92) Have you ever thought you'd have to die?

93) Are you ticklish? .
> \u0026lt;no! O0

94) What are your favorite flowers?

95) Do you believe in God?
neinm but to something else

99) How many times a day do you brush your teeth? .
1> \u0026lt;yes I am ashamed so scho

100) Do you have a job?
teacher Quote: "You have not to work, students are is your job !!!!"
in vacation maybe gardening

101) What's your favorite fruit?
strawberry .. oh you lousy>. \u0026lt;* Heul * jez I want a ham and we winter ..

103) Do you wear nail polish just now?

104) If so, what color?
if I size: probably black, but is so annoying that the chip off so fast when you have too much to de Finger does * sigh *

105) How many rings / bracelets you wear?
3rd. I think

106) Do you have scars?

107) Have you ever cried because of someone of the opposite sex?

108) do you like candy?.
myaaaahhaa ^ ^

111) Did you do nen license? Neiin

112) was your worst nightmare?

113) What the opposite sex do not you understand?
Eh ... I think the question also needs to grudge * spontaneously * nix incident

114) Which advertisement do you like best?
Storck Giant TT no even at the Storck advertising, I almost always have to cry

115) What advertising can you not stand?
Mr.Proper o0

116) Did you cry last week:

118) What your favorite movie: LotR
! Matrix! Underworld! Harry Potter! Arrg suu many aba TT I'm too easily impressed

120) Have you ever met a famous person?
but me? ; D but less known

121) Do you like going to concerts?
yes! and no .. ! But rather yes ^ ^ even if the crash kill me first, he is cool

122) If yes, how many have you been?
1 TT

123) Do you wear glasses or contact lenses?

124) What is your planet?
o0 Mars Venus. matter is warm as wos

125) What is your greatest talent?
uff .. things Merkner @ @ n

126) Are you a good listener?
I'm actually pretty sure

127) Are you tired of filling out these questions:
no ^ ^

128) Do you live with your parents :
parents? hmm .. yes

-.- 129) Lieblingseiskrem:
chocolate, caramel

130) Favorite Games:
oah I begin to even non-first, I love games of all kinds

131) Sunrise or Sunset:
beautiful colors and a very different world for just viertelstd ne .. * Sigh *

132) Rap or Rock: Rock
o0 ..

133) or a knitted leather purse:
knit would be nice

134) Who / What comes first: chicken or egg?

135), larger or smaller men / women?
wat? asooo .. hmm .. So great is schooon nice ^ ^ but to be themselves large and small who have .. and certainly not bad .. * Dream *

136) emerald or ruby:
moah! First emerald! But Rubin has also scho NEN horny shimmer

137) restaurant with candle light or picnic in the moonlight:
picnic in the moonlight *.* mauuuuu

138) Gold, Silver or Bronze: Gold

139) Were you ever a victim of a crime:
hmm ... I was beaten? ; D

140) kissing or hugging:
one by one

141) word W:

142) What do you hereafter:
RPGN and chat

143) Finally, a wisdom
it? most knowledge is the knowledge that one is really ignorant

144) What excites you:
Eh .. Somehow, everything somehow fascinate, but above all, alien worlds and fantastic imagination of some uu

145) Your greatest wish:
hmmm .. uu I keep it to myself;)

146) What is your greatest fear? : Losing my loved ones
to be bullied forever

147) Say something about the person who sent you this letter: I like them ^ ^

148) whole milk or Durable?
it live preservatives xD

149) A car color that you like:
black, dark green-metallic

150) What kind of a screen saver you?

151) What was the biggest mistake you've ever committed ?
I started to think

152) Your life motto?
Fight! . another way non

153) As where if nothing is nowhere?
everywhere, but is clearly o0

154) Are you a sadist?
hmmmm .. ^. ... ^ A little? * Wink * ö.ö>)

155) What do you get drunk like most?

156) What errors are you apologizing most?
accidentally committed and sincere regret

157) What qualities do you appreciate in man the most?

158) What is your main character trait?
hmm .. if I'm honest, I am very much a slave to my feelings

159) what kind of animal you'd like?
a panther, but I will be hunted, myaaa>)

160) rope you like?
do all hand work like ^ ^

161) Your name:
satirac o0

164) Eye color: green

165) Hair Color:
omg! jez is it silver !!!!!

166) Weight:

167) When did the last time you showered?
last night

168) What color is the pants you're wearing?

169) What is the color of your socks?

170) What color is the wallpaper in Your bedroom?
black-uh vanilla

171) What song are you listening right now?
Come sweet death

172) What color is your computer desk?
light wood

173) What are the last 4 digits of your phone number?

174) What was the last what you've eaten?
tomato + feta ^ ^

179) What did you do last night?
after my cat had slipped behind gesuchtdie bed .. I thought .. @ @

180) Last person that you were on the phone?

181) Who are you talking about online?
Carina alias for children and maxi king Iruuuu

182) What are you doing tomorrow? Leave
important emails, Chrno tinker-Clock, tippseln scribble, .. what we do every night Pinky .. >)

184) How many CD's do you have?
never counted

186) Coke or Pepsi?

187) How will you call your children?

188 Have) you ever in love?

189) When did the last time you bled?
Ner weeks ago?

190) What is the first to which you remember in your life?
.. a holiday with friends of my father ..(@funny word)

194) How are you feeling right now?
the question .. hmm ..

195) What are you thinking about?
I need chocolate, and who wants to here is specific>. \u0026lt;

197) Who was the last person with whom you spoke?

198) What is your favorite TV show?
nyaa @ @>. \u0026lt;Buffy wars TT

202) Who is the funniest person you know?
NEN guy here within the street lives

203) What is your favorite country?
Germany; DDD .. ne: Japan! o0

207) What is under your bed?
games, stapler cats, made table tennis bat, sport shoe, Bastelkram

UFF! jez me to do but hurt the fingers and the entry I ncoh actually had in mind is probably from nyaa ^ ^


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