anastasiaschaos @ 2010-05-29T21: 13:00
It is known that primitive man procured his food way of hunting and gathering. In the mornings, kissed his primordial wife he went to the primeval jungle out there and swung some mammoth shared it with fellow drag oneself along, and go home. His primitive wife at the time walking in some primitive little forest and gathered there primitive berries and fruits. Here you have all the guileless story.
Modern man, in this sense is much more difficult. First to start today aunt and uncle have to hunt for the money. Methods of hunting today are very diverse: some hunt for clients, others for knowledge, others on stock prices, and a fourth still to something. There are those who do not what do not hunt and prespokoynenko sit in ambush and waiting when the extraction itself to them and fall to pribizhit varhu paws. But wait they tend to have fairly long, and production is also not the first sortiku. On the hunt today go by the way, both men and women, they even compete with each other.
Naohotiv enough Money can be sent to the gathering of the local lesochek, that is, to the supermarket. Oh, there's something and start the main difficulties. There are only a minimum of varieties 20. Would you like meat, please come to the meat department, where you will meet almost all the animals that are found in local myasoboynyh jungle is littered and divided and cooked 40-to-eat and a variety of ways. (Mammoths there is no way) Want to salami: a salami with and without additives, with spices, herbs and preservatives, and more с витаминами чтобы не надо было есть овощи. Высушенные на воздухе и без него. Из Италии, Франции, Германии и Некогдании.
То же самое Вас ожидает в отделе ягод and fruit, is there any wonders of the world: meter, straight cucumbers without pimple, oranges from a cold Holland, curly kale, cauliflower and peas or strawberries of marmalade.
in this paradise gluttons so much choice that modern man is getting there often forgets that he would sobstvanno needed and gets in the insidious bait. For example there are currently mushrooms in the bank and pomphivayut enticing sign: "Take us with you, for us today off!" And people are greedy enough mushrooms, although it they really can not stand, and rejoice that spared. Or some nuts with the inscription: "Only this week!" Also sell well immediately, because then they can never again in my life to be.
All my precious ordinary modern man driven home and there is a part of it safely eject.
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