8th Chapter
Candles flickered and there was a warmth in her room, which felt on the skin like a cuddly blanket. November, now somewhat neglected her diary a long time now and thought back to her birthday. This was despite the failed relationship visit very pleasant and quiet run. It has caused the family did not have to come, but what could have made already about it. From her aunt each got very fragrant body lotion and shower gel, the grandmother of money, like every year. The lack of imagination of these people really knew no bounds.
has been Kuchen gegessen und über unwichtige Dinge geredet. Bis eben sowohl Tante als auch Großmutter wieder den Heimweg antraten.
Weiter dachte Novmeber mit Freuden an das Konzert zurück, das in Köln stattgefunden hatte. Ihre Lieblingsband war aufgetreten und sie war mit drei Freundinnen dort gewesen. Ein solches Konzert brauchte sie mindestens ein oder zwei Mal im Jahr, um nicht durchzudrehen. So etwas war die einzige Gelegenheit, bei der November sich körperlich wie psychisch einmal bis an den Rand der totalen Erschöpfung auspowern konnte. Das Ergebnis waren tagelange Nackenschmerzen und ein nervenzermürbender Tinnitus in den Ohren, aber das war es ihr more than value. It had to be easy. However, they
was happy that the pain was over now and she could move her head back to normal. She paid that price but much, but it was always annoying.
And now she sat in her room all lit by candles and thought about how quickly time passed. Actually wanted to November, not again sink into such tiresome thoughts, but she could not help it. Be able to bring their thoughts just kind of paper, write down to sihc so as to at least make a little air.
It was Sunday and they had spent that Sunday the way you should spend it: Doing nothing. The only productive, she had made that day was reached, the cleaning up of their two desks. November had two tables: a normal desk on which was also her laptop with Internet access and a computer table, but rather served as a storage area for your computer fixed and all sorts of other things. When chaos reigned in her room somewhere, then the computer desk. And the chaos they had now removed. It was only a matter of time, keep up the mess on the table again feeder would. Of course, they took care of at the moment very little. November
felt as the tiredness crept through her limbs and she threatened to overwhelm. Your brain was empty anyway and she knew nothing more to write, as she put the pen aside, läschte the candles after they finished their sleep had put on and lay down to sleep in bed.
broke just two days later, the world back together. The depression returned strongly demanded their place. It was evening and November had ienen beautiful day spent with her best friend. They were striped together through the city were in your favorite cafe. It was beautiful.
But now that November was back at her desk, the thin layer of crumbled bearable, almost a good mood again from off her and she fell back into its familiar melancholy. The endorphins that were distributed at the Konzrt had probably lost its effect. The death wish came back and everything was the same. The only thing they could do now and wanted to do was go to sleep easy. It was already late in the evening.
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