Friday, February 11, 2011

How To Start Rice Business

Something new ...

O my God, I would say! But we have to read the classics. At least it has been interesting to me which end of the story! And WHAT really is this K. is accused of?? Everything is described so grotesque, one DEKT, it is a dream of this man or simply K. circus ... Not only does not understand what's going on, but also the reader. What I particularly admired - Joseph is taken into custody, but can walk freely, he will even go to work unconditionally, ie, nothing would disturb him from his ordinary course of life. It is remarkable (I think there is any hidden meaning in it!) That all the characters have no full names as Josef K. has only a first name, a surname is abbreviated for some reason (the mind! !), which has no first names, etc. Miss Bürsner About decorator Lanz I did not understand ...


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