Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mac Not Recognising Usb Drive

Liebe Kinder!

A German S & H story:

"Today I show you a film about two cops, Starsky and Hutch. Links can see your Starsky, he has funny dark curls, and wears jeans. Right next to brown in the trousers, as is Hutch, he is blond, and a bit larger. You can see them so easily distinguished.
The place in which they work is, Bay City. That is in America, far away from here, on a large Sea, you see even the beach? There is much warmer than in your homes, and in winter there are no snowmen.

Sun, and who now comes into the picture? This thick, black man's name Dobey. This is the boss of the two police officers and give them commands. But does not merely that one fear of a black man must have, only because there are so few with you. No, this one is easy and only sometimes he is a bit excited. But that is soon over again. And it would determine your like - he likes to eat sweets.

But what, then, are police officers? Police watch out for the people of a city. Some people have become angry because no one has loved him, and then steal or beat them. And if that happened, then the police come and say to the villain, he should stop. Now you already know
the occupation of the two. But how comes it that the bad guys always obey when Starsky and Hutch set before them? You can visit the jackets. If you look underneath, then you see the following: every policeman with a weapon that is secured with leather on his upper body. Why is this good, you will ask. With such a gun can be easily defended great.

So and now I tell you yet, what are the two for men. The
with curly hair, like Starsky, you kids really like. He plays often and also buy gifts when children have a birthday. He is usually funny, but it can also be terribly serious when people are in danger.
The Blonde, this is Hutch, who often thinks a lot. He wants to do everything right, so that no one suffers. When people are in need, then he is always right there to help.

Now you know the pair's all right - I'll tell you in the end something about how they understand each other.
Starsky and Hutch are really good friends. How come, then, Will you ask. Everyone can namely something else can not, and together that's fine. It makes them fun to work together - just like you, if you in kindergarten with the other children built a castle in the sandbox.

The two men also watch a lot more to each other. If it the one time is not going well, it helps the other to him immediately, that is all class. And this needs the one that really takes it to the other firmly in the arm. And sometimes when that happens, then they rub their behind dolle all together and rejoice. You have to love just as the mommy and daddy. Great.

And if your future now two police officers on the street can see, then you know immediately what they do. "


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