Friday, April 21, 2006

Installation Mount & Blade


Nyoa of today is,
for all: I will 17, not 19 I swapped with a buddy
* wants * 19 are non

My mother makes NEN GIANT STRESS because nothing at all-
I have some friends NEN to nem chilly barbecue
jez invited I'll do it clean for hours and the whole family present will be bullied because of me, by the way, drops and am a gekeiftes "actually I get sick and you let your poor mother, slaving "from somewhere-Dasis then my mother with a new victim. If she is sick
they should damn lie down yet?
which is yet everything seems just the best excuse to get her was ever able to jez can still proceed by dictatorial
@ @
jez I sit in my hiding place in front of the PC; D nya I have everything dark so does me no monitor light * runterdämm * ; D
pity about the weather outside is really nice that they
* 5th call times and non-stop and react hear her voice again * is toxic
hopefully fool in front of the guests has simply dragged into the house and with whom I actually have nothing to do o0

nyo I hope it will be better if My friend and I here take the upper hand and the power is with us buahhaa o0
* hand me already would they bugger off with their apparent threats and nagging *

Nyo wish me good luck, whoever comes along to stalk can even ma NEN Häppi Börsdäi lassn there might show up as yet undiscovered spirits? ;)


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