Thursday, April 15, 2004
Banking : Difference Between Bond And Guarantee
to 'miterschließen My government is more than happy his new trade routes to excellence. Or President asked me to align you that all of Brakke is in your debt. The minefield of the last war is a barrier to the western sectors remained. A large, financial loss -. For years, "
silence reigned on the necessary, short acceptance speech at the official reception rooms of the velaanischen Embassy, whose leader, dressed in official regalia Velaas and his family - purple and silver - with serious look relaxed and sitting listening to one of the wine-red sofas in the words of Brakke-envoy.
Rafaelle look was not to suggest the sun Aeolias standing in his back and took his face with a shadow. The subdued rooms stuffed with presents and pictures from various races, was illuminated by the yellow rays and stuffy, like on the day of this island. Rafaelle do not sweat, nor the humidity seemed to him of all his clothes to identify something. But it had provided sufficient liquid in many different carafes on the large, brightly polished conference table were the orphaned. Rafaelle had, as so often preferred to take in the small wine-red sitting room area, which was situated in front of the large windows of the front hard.
Milas whetted nervous of Lanark in the sofa on which he had previously taken place over Rafaelle. He did not dare look in his eyes rise to this strange, instead he looked on the point between the curved eyebrows. The silence stretched out in an ominous length.
"your mother is doing well. The family holds Dalmet it is still very high esteem that one of her married to the Doge Velaas - and for so long ... "The mundane studies, which used the Milas of Lanark velaanischen intonation so clumsy was described as ridiculous and almost insulting.
:: Security must know that they are here. NO ONE comes by her. ::
The safety was fully in Apollo's responsibility.
Rafaelle stretched something in his bed, grabbed the glass of water and cast a quick glance over the rim of the bow window, which released a clear view of the green park of the embassy. Apollo ...?
They met rarely, actually only in various official diplomatic receptions and then always with a cool and distant courtesy, coupled with the usual phrases palace between management and diplomatic corps. And if both were more or less a good mood, even two or three sentences were on the prevailing weather. Rafaelle left these ceremonies are prescribed as soon as possible after he was shown and the first representative of Sin-Setuchs his presence was demonstrated.
Apollo had to know that two of the races were here.
Rafaelle Milas smiled when his eyebrow twitched upwards. Apollo's intentions here on the planet had so far been of no interest to him. But what he knew of the well-known, this man continued loyalty to the planet.
"My mother enjoys good health Duine of Lanark." Rafaelle even smiled in his effort to keep his raging mysteries behind the facade of the Ambassador. "They Align left me with the best wishes of their homeland. And she thanked repeatedly for the invitations. "
Milas, encouraged by the friendly courtesy of the Ambassador, leaning against something and reached for the glass with velaanischem tea. "It was always Brakke an extraordinary honor that the Doge Jeccschalen ..."
Rafaelle was focused on extreme, stared at the Wirtschaftsattache, trying not to let his gaze away, or the friendly, distanced attention to the delegates to maintain . He could not prevent the words Milas disappeared behind his racing thoughts and giving them almost no could follow. His thumb stroked calmly about the silver ring, the pulsed warm on his ring finger and it inevitably reminded that he himself was far away.
Would it bring something to correct a mistake in that I was taking a moment later next venture, to be able to figure out just how high the priority and importance was that concerned, these two women. It was worth it.: WHO has approved it, that they are here? WHO? ::
His finger pointed to his ring again. Too many events in a single period. Levithaan had not reported. For a brief moment he had lost control and Levithaan had felt it and the message obtained. It would not be good.
"gift Milas." Rafaelle waved and gestured to the Brakke that he was well aware of where his mother was. "As you can see, I've never forgotten it." Rafaelle deep voice struck the business-like tone, as familiarity, the Milas believed to have carried Rafaelle mother here had absolutely no influence.
"My company pays you a doping corresponding to the branch of a well-commerce and much more. I dispose of the mines and the waste of your war. For your own secure me for two years, the belt in Brakke nine quadrants. "He leaned forward slightly and prized Milas. "For two years I lease Brakke 9th I think the commitment of your government in the hands inform me when other trading companies also want to fly through the belt. "Rafaelle smiled friendly. "I decide for two years, who is given a permit to fly - of course in consultation with you and President Or"
"Of course, the Milas hastened to assure and drank a big gulp of the tea he had ordered only polite, no flavor or to know origin. You could see the man that he had to fight for the next words to truly fear, courage and necessity. "Their ships Excellence ... "
My Freighter will bring its own docking station. It is only of limited duration. "Rafaelle leaned back again, but could not avoid his eyes a moment gleamed angrily. "As for the rumors concerning this fleet, I can reassure you. It does not exist. I own course, with some accompanying ships of war. However, they serve to protect my goods, not more. "What idiot thought of this? That he wanted to Brakke attacked?
"Yes, of course." Milas not really relaxed. DAS to inquire further, he certainly would not dare. In addition, Rafaelle had the reputation of always and everywhere to stand by his word.
"You have chosen a beautiful piece of outer space ..." Rafaelle really had trouble twisting his eyes are not irritated. So he sat back on the well-known ambassador smile, talk was Milas - and his thoughts run free.
Had he really thought of everything?
Apart from the stubbornness Levithaans?
Kaim and Marut had no questions and were silently complied with their work after they had the slide from the open sea in a hidden place between the reefs of Cephyr towed. All instruments were during the of Rafaelle off, he wiped himself in a rented glider all traces of his presence, the media cleaned and provided with a specific route, set the computer and uninstalled the cloaking device by short electronic shocks again. Nothing begat more of what had to have seen the slide that night. When they reached the eastern edge Cephyrs Marut and rose to him in the glider, Rafaelle had made a decision. Similarly, a madness for him, which was reflected in Maruts bright eyes as he gave a brief explanation Rafaelle, not to scuttle the shuttle. His friend nodded in silence, the prepared helper again packed up and gone back to Kaim was also to inform him of the new development.
"... and even after a nice evening in front of me is before I return to Brakke, I'll be able to enjoy the amenities Aeolias. It is unbelievable what attractions the island offers. This generosity of space and wealth ... "
" You should use your last chance Duine of Lanark. I fear that a single evening is to have seen it all too little. Even I could not yet give all the sights the attention they deserve ... "
The ring on his finger ran for a fraction of a second together. :: Levi ... :: Rafaelle frowned, looked Milas continues. "What you stand for to visit before tonight?"
"The palaces are to be unique." Milas wide grin and stroked his short beard cut accurately. "Thanks to your efforts, I have a booking a palace. I will have pleasant company. "
" Yes, of course. "More Rafaelle not brought on the lips before it would probably failed offensive to Milas. So had this to say more words were wrong before, Rafaelle himself slipped back to Levithaan and after Cephyr, two Decisions of which he knew that was wrong. He had thrown
finally after all this work only a brief look into the cockpit, clinically clean clean, combed the data by several hundred kilometers, which described the round-trip around the island. :: Who? Who ... will get in? ::
And he had smiled. He had his fingers in verzwirbelt some strands of his hair until he was two or three lengths in his hands. "Pantha rei ..." he whispered and slowly release the strands so that they fell behind the pilot's seat to the floor. "... and everything to me. "
*) CO e = Who
Saturday, April 10, 2004
Dark Mucus Blood Period
shimmering, glistening in a rich shade of gold shot the elongated blade of the light meter again and again from the grid of Perlmutgriffes, translucent and delicate acting, if you kept the elegant weapon against the moonlight. Precise, restless and deadly, she met once their goal. Primarily controlled technique of Velaa - genetically and beautiful. A relatively tiny child of the first.
Time passed, whether slow or fast had no relevance to him, his eyes twitched now and again towards the distant ridge that gently lit up the golden car of the lift wound. And his fingers clenched into fists.
began slowly Hel to be cursed with all his restaurant a place that wanted to spare the Rafaelle neither embarrassment nor the agonizing end of a whole life within a fraction of a second. The latter was expressed rather trivialized and Rafaelle mouth twisted as the pain was eating again through his body. The entity controlling the actions and feelings are controlled, in painstakingly put together and was founded just a few hours collapsed into itself.
feelings that are not covered only the body but could also cause the head and nervous systems, or stimulation, were Fouls and did not belong in his world. Rafaelle looked at his hand holding the gun. She trembled slightly and he did not even notice. The small, invisible switch that was hidden behind the talent, knowledge and cold had been folded by a short present - body and soul were for a period not overseeable again merged into a single unit without the Rafaelle had been able to prevent it.
It makes little difference whether the presence of the graceful figure of a servant of the second, almost gigantic acting woman described only one or two feet at every step followed. Rather, it was the shock that had captured him when he, the restaurant do had left with his entourage. Time and again he was, no sooner had he entered the broad passage that led to the output of the restaurant, first moved only by a slight tingling on the disguised his skin, had been distracted.
Brakke The ambassador had also mentioned in acceptance speeches, made occasional remarks overblown - Rafaelle it was not ignored. Barely two steps closer to liberating the output was that feeling again, coupled with a slight dizziness and tensing his neck muscles. Irritated and now wide awake Rafaelle was looking through the guest room halbdämmrigen walked, without really any one trigger for its to find feelings. Then the elevator door had opened and released two slender figures, which at this moment no more than two black flowing silhouettes against the bright light of the cabin door was. Two new guests, both completely covered, one with pomp and splendor, the other in the striking simplicity of a gray chador. Despite the concealment unmistakably feminine forms were to identify under the midnight blue hooded jacket of Major, the bright colors of dark red hair behind a veil of shadows visible. Rafaelle world fell apart at the seams and darkened in memory and hatred.
The strong wind tugged again at the crouching figure between the ruined pillars of the island. The old dead trees creaked softly to himself while Rafaelle his knife back into his pocket of his leather jacket. He could really feel that his entire body still covered with a light goose bumps this was the simple presence of this species brought. Rafaelle hated both cavernous, moved his lips into a grin abstract acting as he thought of the impact that could do this little knife to the throat of the two beings. They would not even notice - so he hoped.
The distant sound of the humming
lift reached him over, his eyes flew back to the input the restaurant and the first point of his hope began.
:: No Portal. It might be difficult to follow them ... ::
Two figures stood out again, went into the deliberate and unhurried the bridge and began their way to the feeding stations and transport sites. Rafaelle eyes narrowed and he stretched in an almost uncontrollable anticipation the body. He reached for the prism glass and held it to her eyes. Indeed! There were the two visitors. At present, the firing was in his muscles and tendons augenmerk violent and quietly gasped the Velaaner. Everything had been for ages past and yet it was still as fresh as if it had happened only yesterday.
:: Make no mistake now ... :: Reason here appeared to turn more than a trifle to be, he had to restrain himself to the rather absurdly large distance between itself and these ... these creatures do not get to walk behind him to ram the blade into the body of the two visitors.
you actually passed the curved colonnade leading to the landing stations for the small craft. Rafaelle lowered his helpers. "Air Do shlàinte," he whispered pleased and stood up. Tonight he wanted to be the hunter. He disappeared among the rocks and the darkness, the small waiting room was back in the night, as if He never had a visitor.
The night stretched over the black water between Hel and the northern mainland of the island. Rafaelle drove the rented short-range slider with the usual precision and the necessary security clearance. The leasing company was handed over to an anonymous visitor to the island of the vehicle, Marut had given him everything and let Rafaelle the final adjustment of the helper in the computer console. All had worked in a small factory, silent sequences matched each other without asking questions, and within less than two hours. More Rafaelle had not met the two women. Secretly he was summarily the smaller companion also referred to as a woman, after all, it did not matter whether man or woman. To him they were all the same.
Rafaelle cast a quick glance at the terminal, which was next to him in the passenger seat and he indicated the exact trajectory of the small shuttles. Determined as it seemed it pursued, since it had reached the mainland, the course of the Mahanad deeper into the island. Sensors registered the increased amount of carbon dioxide. The approaching forest, recorded here between the eastern sea and the desert border. :: Trees ... ::
Rafaelle view glided through the tinted windows to the front and left of the slider a bit further lower than even he, the river bed reached and followed the shuttle.
What did he here?
years he had trained to counter any emerging emotion to nip in the bud just such acts, the one considered to be enraptured by trade. "Thoire in aire," he swore softly and increased the speed to match the anticipated flying shuttles. The forest went up to something and have his Stock that concerned solid, breathable fabrics, increased somewhat. :: Everything flows,:: it said in the language of Velaa, nothing manifested itself in the long run and kept for eternity, unless the life in his homeland. :: Wood serves us as a heat ... the fire has chosen to be his companion ... ::
The glider fell from Rafaelle hand almost vertically down and held his height just above the River. Here was the security of T'uisge and gave him protection. Displeasure Rafaelle cursed and stared again at his terminal, the flashing point marked his ambition, flew over the forest - Rafaelle glider shot forward, reached over the flow of the first foothills of the dense forest.
"Come on," hissed Rafaelle and continued to watch the flight path, "disappear over the woods ..." His eyebrow twitched upward, because at that exact moment the ship swung to the south. The Mahanad forked at this point Rafaelle and the joystick clutched violently. Sometimes met even silent prayer, even if they no longer believed in them. Satisfied, he was almost trying to relax a little when he moments later also followed the flight path - and uttered the terminal next to him, the unmistakable signal a warning.
columns of numbers, formulas, chased each other on the right side of the display, Rafaelle quickly typed a few columns of numbers, waiting for the result. A strong concentration of energy and laser beams to scan it was displayed near the pursuing shuttles, Rafaelle mouth twisted into a sardonic grin. "A small shield ...". He clutched at his neck and took out a small silver chain he moved quickly over her head and hair. At the end of which dangled an elongated trailer, inconspicuous with small ornaments adorned Velaa. Rafaelle pressed his thumb on the circular depression of the flat plates and the trailer to work out. "A shame," he murmured, and coupled to a mathematician at the console of the terminal. "Show your calculation skills -. And blocked me on this grid". To enter illegally locked area "seconds later it beeped quietly switched the ads on red, the endemic sensors of the slide show is now also on the alert,
" Mach already, " whispered Rafaelle now urgent and slowed his pace a bit, the flashing point to lose even the computer out of sight. "Today is a day to play ambassadors ..." The small ads of the mathematician immediately jumped on blue, Rafaelle smiled, took it gently from the console and placed it on the controllers of the slider. "Make me."
The Shide computer attached to the computer leads one of the slider, made his calculations and numbers on the performance of the pilot skip and provided the outer skin and composition with the same mathematical structure as that of the block in front of him - the shuttle with the the two women in that moment flew through without difficulty.
"Pantha rei," whispered Rafaelle to him and the triumphant smile was almost not wipe off his face. One or two less of this species was not a great result - but it would be a personal satisfaction to be able to cut them by hand the throat.
The shield was racing slipped on his glider and Rafaelle hand into his coat pocket for his knife to take effect. He had never used more than its little helpers ...
His fingers palpated not only the knife, there was also a small, crumpled together test of paper. Rafaelle It registered only when it was next to the knife on the terminal.
:: It's never good to play off everything. Wherever you move the place where you live is need. It is in your discretion to disclose everything - or get you further protect so that it remains anonymous, what you are ...::
Rafaelle glance slid over the piece of paper that must have been at some point a folded rose.
:: Never give anything cheap! A whole world, your world is behind it ... ::
! "SHIT"
howled in protest, the drives of the slider, as Rafaelle radically activated the reverse thrust, the gravity of the stabilizers screaming in his ears as the little slider jolting burst into a right turn. The rear of the slider swerved uncontrollably from the moment when the outer shell hit on the front grid of the protective shield. Rafaelle uttered a curse, a brief glance at the helper on the front page, the peaceful exuded his blue lights. Then he was back under control so far that he flew the bend in a wide arc to end the slide back and headed to the nearby river bed. He hit the gas and raced back across the black water the way he had come.
His heart was pounding painfully in his mind raced a thousand of reproaches and curses to the realization have committed a great error to. When he reached the open sea, he tore the helper of the consoles, and stowed it back in his coat pocket. The sea chase as a dark backdrop to hang out in it, the glider was flying dangerously close to the uneven surface, but that was at that moment Rafaelle care less. Hel ashamed slid way past him, then Cephyr, finally wrapped it the bright sky of stars, - and he still did not diminish the pace. He was badly burned his back and the pent air of the capsule pilot him tied together almost the throat.
What he had done? This places people would say he had lowered his pants at half mast. He smiled bitterly. Half-mast here would not help very much. Now he just had to wait. As with the first had only happen - just lose control.
Somewhere in mid-ocean glider finally came to a halt. Rafaelle hand tired after the terminal was a few codes and sent a signal to Malik. Then he buried his face in his trembling hands. He could no longer hold back his memories.
Monday, March 15, 2004
Hemorrhoids After Hysterectomy
today is a very boring day. not one of those days where nothing happened, no. It is one of the days in which nothing happens ... just like today. not on time and in a bad mood I left the house, just as always. In school I was allowed only once jaku, the little traitor endure. Then I had the pleasure of working with a mathematical writing schaarrrfi. after a pause, I can not really say now what I have done just this, I had Latin and wrote a vocabulary test at Thiele. on it was in english porno Preller himself his father or something. sport in the 2 hours I had occasion to eject again furie scream came a hand was dangerous close and could go as a mature matted pooch. in the lunch break was allowed to help me eat while felix. thanks again to this point =) otherwise nothing happened, except that someone with his divine presence are provided company;). in music, I switched to standby. and thanks to politics, I'm perfect for the job of an administration host created. After school I was headed in different accompaniments from the bus stop to be there promptly to stand alone. At home I treated myself to another meal and went back to my now grown fond friend (who does not crash anymore) for my to meet mission. This failed, and I quickly lost the lust it again to try. breath away those bitter defeat me in the world wide web. where I rumsurfe on meaningless sites and stories to come across bizarre ( ).
Saturday, March 13, 2004
Foto Ice Skating Lay Back
hey ho!
Finally, finally I can again enjoy the endless service of the world wide web. A big thanks to mr bill gates.
last night was indeed held the purest carnage. sword with armaments and armed I was in the middle of it to me and madde tonio, the unarmed and uninvolved long walked to the fort, pretending to have much luck. cruel! This lazy and cowardly dogs. towards the end of the battle I fought alone, but bravely against the Orcs and Sauron's supporters, for all my allies had just joined this.
I did not put off me.
now I was sitting here with aching bones and broken on the wheel and I've thrown immediately into the next battlefield. There I killed dead and defeated the king ran live to mine and was not slain. ultimately However, rat-shirts but get me some. and now? now I'm dead russians .. like a thousand. passed all my lust to mingle among the people muah -.-.
good night
Thursday, March 4, 2004
Best Words To Teach Babies
good evening.
my day started when I slept exactly 11 minutes, although I did wake me up as gently as possible of the Haydn D major, opus one hundred and first great. maybe that was a critical mistake. hate is better tomorrow marilyn manson tuned =). then I got a through Magni's iun at the school. there I spent as much as 6 whole school hours, including 2 large and 3 small breaks. great. after school I was allowed to evi and pflaumenstreusel . Enjoy after that I was bad and it was broccoli pasta bake. great. Then I made the effort to write off all the French vocabulary on index cards. great. then I have a very long and interesting discussions with an ominous and unknown (* muahhahahahaa *) person. it was ... great. Then I went to this very PC here where I am still sitting and typing. Besides, I'm doing me a standard to be cheap, is in the much rumgefuchtelt "important in a manner" with weapons, automobiles and zerschrottet slain men with cement. great. Faramir might crucify me: p. with the appearance of the Chosen, keanu reeves, on the screen, I will now be primitive in my life deliberately. I do not continue to surf the internet or something with this evening to begin. So I will, long wave as I am, take refuge in my bed and wait until I'm asleep. great, no?
Wednesday, March 3, 2004
Vinegar On Paint Mould
because if I can tell you nothing in your world
then why all these questions
man apparently it interests you so but what drives the type so
and to whom he is doing what and where he remains
compassion is something that I do not think so
I fear I am your living nightmare
trash-talking scum of up constantly dissed
while I'm saying only what you're for me
supercooled all the piss your life caused by my veins flushed
tears and my heart
but since my love waterproof and my soul bulletproof
makes her prostitute with me no casting more
I am your judge and executioners Wanker and after me there will be nothing
(just to go here ...
to all our adversaries important artist
Cocksucker Motherfucker Hosenkacker
slick insatiable whiners like rats in sewers
waiting for our cards (boards) to advise
ha her entire jammer flat Wanker division thinkers
we are holding your Pied autonomous loner
because we are more than the guy in the coffin
during you idiots dig your own grave)
Tuesday, March 2, 2004
How Do I Stop Obssessive Thoughts
Rafaelle always looked at it for some light relief when he read the various news of the sector, because such contributions sometimes included the best known, reports'. Finally played themselves from the events beyond his everyday life.
moved to the first lines of the Chronicle column, the face of something unfamiliar to him. put his name on a train in connection with striptease was something new. Almost involuntarily her hand shot up his hand task (*) to call someone ... Had he eventually had a blackout? But then it occurred to him that Rafaelle IRJ Jeccschalen would address never trivial issues. So it was not choice but hinunterzuwürgen a good deal of insubordination.
He was a man who escaped problems not necessarily by them carelessly pushed aside, so he leaned more or less gallantly in his Chair back and read in peace forced upon the contributors. After all, a wise decision, because by and by, his face smoothed back a little until finally the initial anger slowly subsided. He read only, support '. And he smiled. Inshan everywhere. Whether up, down, backwards or simply as a man, he was the moment all present.
Whoever Rafaelle had almost taken his opinion from the mouth, they covered themselves with the new direction of his thoughts. While it was a somewhat cumbersome confirmation, but he could read at least green to black, because obviously it was not alone him. Again he saw his task. In fact, it would he likes to know how Inshan had responded to the article in Chronoi. Talking about it would be a solution - to get ahead? To finally learn even know what he was as a person?
His eyes fell again on the last paragraph. Now if only it were that went, it was him right. Better it was always the public to call attention to his bad manners and his party as on everything else.
He put the Chronoi message to the stack of things still to be completed and began the long pending message to write to his peers, Inshan's angry eyes to more than admonishing the image. Whether he could maybe read a little, professional opinion of it? Then he remembered that the man wanted to get in touch with him. Swimming lessons. The nimble fingers
remained after some time on the keyboard. Certain public, reports' of this kind ... ran on the planet on every desk. Rafaelle eyebrow twitched upwards.
:: Slowly but surely I am still paranoid. ::
(*) ne type of handset
Sunday, February 29, 2004
Spdif Out Television Computer
time was a strange factor in the life of Velaaners, at least in Rafaelle's existence.
the last days He would have gladly spent far from his wooden message would be re-absorbed in his beloved studies or in the actual priorities. The time to a seemingly unlimited Velaaner was available, had the habit to go by in a flash.
Instead, the unwelcome delegation of trade representatives stayed two days longer. After the first few hours had Rafaelle had the feeling to push his face as rigid pretext of a mindless man smiling before him.
Then there was the chip of A-Naaisha that had to be recalibrated, which inevitably Rafaelle of his promise to the boy recalled. In addition, most impressive Levithaan had prophesied that a meeting was more than necessary.
Rafaelle melodramatic sigh achieved nothing else, than the freshly made bed of his bedroom. The whole day had been exhausting, full of official duties, his self and buildings within the boarders of the various bullying a necessary velaanischen message. At slightly more intellectual stimulation over the dignitaries and representatives to Rafaelle had for his person can take out even a little amusement. So it was just a rather uneventful day of bringing so many on this water planet have been the culminating culminating in these social performances.
A second wordless sighs, the grave robes fell unheeded to the ground and was pushed by impatient feet to the side.
"Water," croaked Rafaelle annoyed, meanwhile it the golden neck button of his Gibbeh's (*) opened it and slid the soft cloth over his shoulders. What he needed now was a perfectly ordinary, relaxing bath.
tired, he stretched his long body, murmuring "open" a low, that the curved balcony window was swinging to the beach to the outside and blew the evening air in the dim room. It automatically dissolved and braided hair clips, ripped the gold chain from the neck emblem that adorned sandals swept from his feet. :: Pomp impractical:: he thought angrily as he got out of his clothes and into the adjacent Went bad. The caring cope Lapchips down on his desk, he did not even notice it.
The recurrent thoughts of what might have the devil him decide to turn over all things on a water planet his current exile, Rafaelle rose slowly the stairs into the cistern until the cold water his skin reaching to the hips and he with a inarticulable According All fell on his ass. Buy it used the hidden thermal and turned the small oval pool into a sparkling pool, so here.
The gentle massage rising air circulation Rafaelle relaxed after a few minutes, he appeared briefly, came puffing back to the surface and made a kick out of unraveling for some precious moments of the wet hair braiding again. One could now say of him really do not think he was also the smallest work did not comply with the necessary thoroughness.
Rafaelle brushed his wet hair with both hands from his face, his head fell against the rounded edge of the basin. The little sparks of a bad conscience answered, as he thought of Levithaan, while he smiled at the thought of what these stubborn old lady cause a short appearance probably would.
"I need you today to send a message," he murmured softly, playing with his silver ring, she was able and appeared without an invitation from him on.
A quick trip back to his ancient world could be a welcome change.
variety * *
Groaning Rafaelle closed his eyes and went into hiding again snorting. It was difficult enough anyway with words such as relaxation or a change not to think of a red hair, to the inevitably brilliant smile and eyes that saw one, but have not been touched by the joyous laughter.
appeared jerks Rafaelle to the surface again, pushing the frustrated masses of tangled hair from her face, because of leisure or diversion was no more talk.
His thoughts began to circle back to Inshan Serkahan and that was he had to admit, neither a beginning nor an amusement like a little game, as he would like it handled. It was simply degenerated into work, and that serious work. Somewhere between the refractories and their trip to the old port, he had missed the jump, what Rafaelle did not like that. Most displeased him here that he does not accentuate the reason for this was.
He had developed over a lifetime high sensitivity to facial expressions and body language, after all, even his own life depended on it. He also trusted his intuition velaanischen blind. So it was not difficult for him Inshan - or whatever the man might also be called - as a fraud to call before the tide.
Rafaelle stared at the small air bubbles in front of him and when he realized that this is not particularly noisy, he brought a lot left the pool and grabbed the towels out ready.
What drove a man to praise only to be at all times, the one were offered. Sarcastic smile Rafaelle answered this question, based ultimately on his own status itself
In Inshan was so obvious the man is a slight gap filled with exactly the gestures that he prescribed quasi Rafaelle. Sure was that there had been no intention to lose contact with him, but it was certainly not in Inshans sense that he was to see through so easily. For what, or what seemed more important, for Whom Inshan sold under the guise of a reporter? And rank how important Rafaelle had the whole thing? Who sent him? And who was Inshan in reality?
"strength is able to detect any fool. Now he has to estimate something that can not perceive it."
rubbed furiously to Rafaelle light through the long hair, the fabric was then allowed to fall somewhere around, while the glass pane of the window pushed aside. The night was cool and stroked his naked body. Deeply, he inhaled the air in the clear, ultimately, not very much helped. This redhead had crept into his thoughts again, what unfortunately happened all too often lately, there was really no remedy so as not to think of those green eyes.
There were strange old eyes that had seen too much in one lifetime.
softly closed the glass Panelle again and faded artificial light, as Rafaelle left his Bad to the midnight turn to work. He threw the purple Sarituch around the waist and looked at his overcrowded small desk, shook his head slightly. Spies who were set on him were in his presence, not necessarily to make permanent. They were his palmed mostly as employees, informants or historians and archaeologists.
Rafaelle was at this time informed that there were some observers' concerns within its risky but it was not for him, because his actual actions and trade was confined to his person. Not even Aljosha knew everything about it. Rafaelle controlled the man who perfectionist. Two lives had taken to build the organization on his terms and thus how it worked, it was completely sealed off by companies, shipping companies and of course of his person, the patron and privateers.
Inshan Serkahan seen as a little spy was not balance was. He acted on the principle that opposites attracted each other known.
Rafaelle other hand, had resorted to a rather simple camouflage, the cliché. Knowing, dramatic and á la Velaaner without any real message, if you do not velaanische speech melodies ruled. Rafaelle could claim at least that he had lied not once intentionally.
So what works best for a peaceful, always appearing melodramatic ambassador? Love of life and laughter, based on Rafaelle feelings quite correct. Both handled Inshan in the appropriate doses, interspersed with small characteristic breaks at the right composition and the correct time to find. Furthermore, it would sooner or later something Rafaelle skeptical about the continuing vitality Inshan's become. With silence, laughter looks and manners could explore everything and play, if the right partner was not immediately at hand.
And Inshan's individual performances gave him over the small amount of information the whole picture. Rafaelle fell a little incident at the port. Inshan should have known at least since Rafaelle's involuntary dance performance that the trained eye could not miss a strategically scheduled knife intended to stretch the upper arm of the blade farthest. But Inshan had then used his help and sympathy, which had set in Rafaelle for this man was crucial that he had Inshan summarily brought to his town house rather than in one of the hospitals. Sometimes it seemed to know the spy unconscious when he arrived at Rafaelle the mark.
Or Inshan's performance on Hel ... Rafaelle had not resorted to his typical brake application, the man would have gone further.
Like his smile and his face, it also understood Inshan his body to use, well-proportioned, waiting, was asked how much and when it was enough.
Rafaelle frowned and sat on the bed. On that Evening had concerned his observations, the Inshan, new ways taken the spectrum enlarged, which concerned the redhead's skill and training. Rafaelle's eyes wandered over to his small work table on which lay unnoticed for days the little silver helpers.
Well, why the helper was not actually still working on the light wood?
There had been only a few moments in which emerged in Rafaelle the feeling was that even his mask Inshan accidentally had dropped. The sea, this somewhat abstract designed figure of wood, his dance ... his eyes when told Rafaelle dramatically on its own.
Why had he Inshan at the exhibition opening gesagt, dass er ihn für keinen Journalisten hielt?
Immerhin hatte Rafaéll seine Anschuldigung durch leise gemurmelte Worte wieder etwas revidiert, ein Fehler war es allemal gewesen, der sich hoffentlich zum Besseren gewandelt hatte. Betrachtete man das Bild als Ganzes, hätte Inshan ihn wahrscheinlich über kurz oder lang für einen Dummkopf gehalten, etwas das Rafaéll nicht sonderlich behagte auch wenn es in einem anderen Leben funktioniert hatte.
Warum war Inshan für ihn noch immer ein ernstzunehmender Rekrut?
"Ìrj erkannte Sia's Einsicht, hörte Sedjem's Worte und tat worum Ra ihn bat." (**)
Warum ihm gerade bei Inshan ein Lehrsatz aus den Houses of the script ears pupils had occurred Rafaelle even smile. But it disappeared as quickly as it had come. You could not close on its own to others, a lesson that Rafaelle had painful memories. One could, however, they have in common. The little running perfection, which stood behind all their work. Inshan - whether accidental or not - had identified at least to him.
And why in the cold waters of a nitrite (***) he thought about after all?
(*) Long, open front outer garment (with or without sleeves), of Arab origin, is a caftan worn as a jacket
(**) * G * Egyptology
(***) colorless, water-soluble salt of the usually mild nitrous acid, have the name of the waterfall, was built on the cliffs Jallpornescha
Thursday, February 26, 2004
Frontier Travel Trailers ~ psyc382/magritte-notrepro.jpg
Sometimes me my reflection so strange as man inhabits my soul.
How To Defeat Human Paploma Virus
after a 6-hour school day I went home to sleep there promptly at 19.20 in order to wake up in panic to jump up in the apprehension have overslept and late for school. (...) After I had checked my homework, I wrote a 2nd letter of "carnival", only this time not to Ballwanz -.- here I use this old pc here, let me once again into the world wode web led. This was followed unvorraussehbare, the therapist led me to my quote *: Someone: mona ... my therapist. I have anger. what?
Mona: let them turn anywhere from ... if you do einsperrst it changes only in despair * oh she has already and my poor LJ has to suffer under it. I could do bite blocks (at this point someone would hear a story about our original African catfish? no?-also good.) mh. miss? where? ulkbären on? I told the grad NEN aldi-run television in the elephant joke -.-. * Quote: Mona: these are existential problems *
an explanation is needed here? I think not.
@ Effler you see the little mascot with the harp, with which the drag? ... the animal between the legs of the right lady reminds me of a water snake.
Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Very Lite Line In Hpt Kit
what is this shit fucking? I write a yard-long forum topic about my fucking soul chaos, in the hope of any of these Internet acquaintances rarely stupid I could tell from the swamp and helping to do what is, and then deletes everything, I would was not even logged. ARGH, I logged WAR . I will shortly write NEN LJeintrag send him and the page is no longer valid once. I gebs on. I GEBS ON! FUCK kringelkrangel song and dance, fickfacken fickfacker, grumbling grumbling.
leb'n shit.
Monday, February 23, 2004
Meal Replacements Opinions
cheers before the hangover.
how the hell did we wind up like this?
why were not we able to see the signs that we missed
and try to turn the tables?
you know that someday I will-someday, somehow, gonna make it allright.
sometimes you have to lose something to know what we had him and that this is worth it to continue.
Friday, February 20, 2004
Saree Blouse With Zip Model
Sorry dear livejournal, but I need to get rid of what ... I do not know if this is what LJeintrag, I feel a tingling feeling very numb from the head down to the fingertips, as well as cruel. maybe I just freezing, but I'm dizzy. and everything, I think, because of any typed letters and words that are actually quite insignificant and not even addressed to me. But to judge me, criticize me or indicated as a "friend," I deeply dislike, as far as "man" to me was never real, or the like. I express in this entry want? I would like to hereby internet friendships, relationships, distance, etc.. I agree that a person in my past, so it is difficult mirauch. So I ask you, my readers, what it brings to mind when the world out there in the big wide a "somebody" thinks of you or has a bad / good opinion of you? what good internet friends (I wonder if I at this point may "friends" to write. I just this am, I must note, though, that the criteria of friends web-based and real from the ground up must be different, because individuality virtual chatters a guarantee does not match the real one.)? they are not pure zeitvetreib? maybe internet friends "conversation" partner etc. but how can you to a web chat window on the world wide (although the chatter with a picture-an outer appearance, etc.) links to build their appreciation of a relation, and claim? these questions should I open in the room. So post your comments ...
Em and Lij
Kates Playground Wachtwoord
LiveJournal are not there to write of his life? mh, let's start with the present day.
Mr. Preller is sick, the little bitch. We did not write a vocabulary test. (* Arm straight up in the air and tear "superman" screaming *). the representation of women took greve. I use the time spieln to bomberkid against tonio, who lost only when he himself wegsprengte = (. in the 2nd and 3rd hour followed art. that is tattoos. aufgabe.ich what was a glorious end to me decided stunted wings to paint and would like to take this opportunity tonio and mona * thanks for the nice advice bow *. to the art classes were followed by a math lesson Schaafhausen in women, my friend. we got our math test back. what a joy. had then I think stupid film show and had something to say. schaafi then spoke, the funny bunny, free from work and blah censored * (-uninteresting) *. physics class in which I colin find the fun, the physics genius, zusitzen, the general agrees =). tonio in physics was still pinned down the date made. another is not a lesson worth noting. to physics came with the snow-German males, to whom I owe a part of the subject. and there began my drawing jealous. this was in the French-hour on, which made me mona and sameness to some amusing (pictures will follow later). They settled at least Duncan, Alaric, legolas, the maffiose, wowi20 (for the little outsider = 24j. pervert at yahoo), the vampire, and more. I'll report back later.
Friday, January 30, 2004
Does Primer Potion Expire
"The first person you Velaaner as a counterweight against the
troubles of life were three things:
the tides, the knowledge that they forget to sleep
have the insight to the end of all things "..
\u0026lt;> operator
"The goal is located. Portal is formed."
"Forms a closed tube. The ships are to be given no opportunity to circle the body. "
\u0026lt;> operator
" Scattered core formation. Your scouts are within the radius of sector Dal-Neh 9 in the sea of lights. "
" It was to be expected. The program runs for three Tagwechsel. Dal-Neh 9 was scanned and undermine the flagships of our fleet. The fighter pilot to reach immediat ... now! "
\u0026lt;> operator
'Association formed. Countdown. The gate opens at 15 deasach Uairen 23rd No change the calculated route. They fly straight at us. "
" I recognize neither shade nor life in them and the stands of the ships are amorphous. All mathematical formulas suggest the ore of the money. "
\u0026lt;> operator
" deviations of the structure. You have seen us. "
" Yes ... we were never here ... "
" thoughts have cold souls who sentient memory. "
The black space with its innumerable celestial bodies was illuminated by fireworks, the yellow plasma clouds and bluish twilight in the Cosmos engraved. Sanguine, exactly fixed beams broke the image of stars behind the explosions faded, and hard contours of this floating involuntarily Frackteilchen recorded its way between the bright lights of stars and dazzling drives.
reflections their path and their goal so relentlessly sought and found, as the ships tried to escape and life in them. If
points described the judge of a moment, then had the bright diodes took on the panoramic display of the long end of the fixed only a short breath before he was to the past.
Each annealing, each telling their own enjoyment of the fire so hard to drown out was, if tubes disappeared, the body regenerates itself and return to the front for an unwanted Life was.
co Quantity Zooms to the black screen of two pupils, this scene was only the more limited summary of a life that ended with the beat of a heart and lost behind the black curtain shut down two screens left.
"In a single moment, revenge and pain
like a face.
Goes the moment you see your face still in the mirror."
"Should someone be sent to you?"
"No ..."
needed now one other modifier to appease the monster.
concentration and control, lies and truth. To initiating a false spectacle.
"Tell my appointments for this evening from. I will go back to Aeolia."
"Off to the big game of life."
Saturday, January 17, 2004
Wella Hair Color Chart Koleston
Kaim and Marut rushed silently behind her Lord through the old quarter of Aeolia. In the dark, barely lit streets, the two men had a little less threatening, than under the sun, and it seemed Rafaelle behind a large protective wall heranzuwälzen, the more an inch from the side of Velaaners.
The weathered limestone houses were hardly more than a full-grown deciduous trees, were in close order, or to each other and were built here and there dark loopholes open, beneath the black one could suggest other small streets and places. The sands of generations weakly swirled over the irregular surface of paved stones, collected between the decorative pots with small plants from the small entrance doors or lay down on the few chairs and tables, which added up instinctively inclined to the house walls.
The shutters were tightly closed at this time, locked the doors, only the sound of creaking testified in the breeze moving signs, ranging small and forgotten in the streets of a little life in this forgotten part Aeolias. Here and there was a small strip of light through the yellowed Wood beams shone from the window or door leaks through, where the small group quickly and quietly slipped past.
over the jagged roof ridges stretched the black night sky as far as you could see before the gaze lost somewhere when the sparkling planet up there wanted to follow with his eyes. This night was clear and humid.
Rafaelle walked purposefully through the maze of streets, squares and courtyards, always accompanied by the synchronous set steps of his two companions. Carelessly he retired to the dog first adjusted the silver shirt, strolled through the long hair or hand unconsciously to the little flower which he is now in his coat pocket wore. Kaim and Marut recognized because Rafaelle IRJ Jeccschalen known peace had not been found. But they asked not even thought of why. Her eyes wandered through the neighborhood, watched intently to the way that struck her master.
were again arrived at one of the smaller courtyards Kaim steps faster. Like a shadow he glided past Rafaelle while Marut approached his master and slid his hand under the light leather jacket.
"ACIR," he murmured softly, Rafaelle waved slightly. "No one is here," he said Kaim and followed in silence, which was received consistently one of the small oval double doors, which also displaced half-hearted how old was repaired. Above the entrance a little silver plate dangling with the inscription, pharmacists'. On the right wall flickered a little torch, which was temporarily fixed with a small stone hoes. The few financial inputs have been there maximum lighting at night, but took a Rafaelle pleased when he saw the unmistakable signs.
:: Right. ::
His hand left the small rose with sharp thorns and he could literally feel the exciting feeling on his skin to knock when he was a character Kaim. Would soon show whether his week-long efforts would finally bear fruit.
The huge man knock briefly five times in a row at the rotten wood, while Rafaelle came to him and a quick look in the eyes of his security guard, he whispered reassuringly. "Be patient."
Behind the door you could hear the soft shuffling of heavy steps Rafaelle expression turned back to the stoic, calm face that you knew of him.
so short at the finish he did not want to lose CONTENANCE and an impatient, are roaring avenger, even if it was boiling in him and burned. Only his eyes reflecting the wild emotions that raced in a veritable hurricane of his soul.
As a door opened and scraping the old face with blue eyes looked towards him, Rafaelle facade was once again, for the view that struck him was as familiar as knowing that it needed no lies between them.
"Shir La Mec Rafaelle."
The old man took a step back in the dim glow of the room behind him and bowed briefly while Rafaelle occurred.
"Your Lord is safe with me." Aljosha Rhaetian Yonnth looked up Kaim and Marut, it was from a crazy picture, since the shadows were Rafaelle almost twice as large as himself Kaim he looked forward hesitantly, while Marut stubborn on his back staring at his master, and not without its decision to leave. Aljosha cleared his throat impatiently tapped to obtain short against breast Maruts to his attention, and succeeded him.
"Go thou now desert rock. Up to my threshold you could help him, but he has to go from here alone." Marut now staring at him, threw a quick glance at the slowly moving in space Rafaelle before turning away, growling and Kaim left behind. Smiling Aljosha closed the door again, and while the two men disappeared as silently as they had come, lay down the broken silence over the lonely back yard.
Aljosha precaution locked his door and turned to his small pharmacy in the nocturnal visitors.
"You've been a long time everything here, "he began carefully the call. He reached for his cane, he had been parked near the door and shuffled Rafaelle behind, extending between the patchwork of overloaded tables, hanging dry plants and full wall of shelves in the back of the store moved.
Rafaelle did not answer it, he inspected apparently interested in one of the test tubes which were filled with a mysterious red liquid, and merrily hinblubberte. The whole room was full of such vessels, in unimaginable forms, even more impossible with little content fog gave of himself. connected with delicate glass tubes gardens here, juices, herbs and medicine to himself. Constructions of almost monumental equipment that connected a complicated maze of tubes with each other, were in independent living among piles of Comrecordern, papers and baskets full of dried leaves around. Not really an order was to be recognized and pursued Rafaelle banned the course of one of those glass tubes, which were even attached to a ceiling of the lower trams.
"Rafaelle?" The young Velaaner
sighed and turned at last to the old man. A loving gaze met the pharmacist as Rafaelle eyed him briefly and even more had to smile when he the old, red wool hat saw that had Aljosha pulled over his gray hair.
"I had to do very much," he finally answered, suppressing the urge to hug the old man simply. Then wake up and look Rafaelle almost pleadingly, his head bent against the rear wall of the store.
"You're impossible boy," growled Aljosha and stalked by his head held high to Rafaelle, as far as his short legs would allow certain subject and he failed to see that his head high up just enough to Rafaelle chest. A gentle smile accompanied him as he was preceded in by a heavy woolen forehand separate part of the room. In passing, he grabbed a carefully Laid bundle deal that was on the old counter and threw it with a mischievous grin on his face over his shoulder.
"This has sent over Xo. The old Grieskram was convinced that you would catch a cold once again you want to go back to Aeolia."
Laughter Rafaelle died instantly Aljosha acknowledged this with a satisfied grunt. A glance back showed him that the bundle Rafaelle had caught something and it looked vertattert before they violet eyes turned to him.
"Yeah," nodded Aljosha, "there is Velaaner who know you better than you think. But you make the more headaches than it might reassure you. I know ... "the spirit realm, he shook it with his head and sat down on the comfortable leather chair, which came here as a single seat. A small fire was crackling in an old oil stove, it smelled a bit made for stale grease, but Aljosha this is less of, as the sensitive nose of Rafaelle.
of the divided room was small but big enough to offer a knee-high table with modern Coman circuit court, a data transfer modem and a transport door, which was mounted behind a bookcase. Otherwise there was no Jewellery to make any pharmacy here. Only a camel coat was as a carpet in front of the oil stove on which the spotted cat of the quarter stretched out and lazy eyes looked up to them.
Rafaelle came in and closed the forehand behind. Then he looked down at the old man and his mouth opened at last to say something, but he came back Aljosha before.
"Sit down and let you see for the first time. It must be months ago, you're last been with me." Aljosha narrowed his eyes and nodded after a few seconds. "I have not often have the opportunity to see real men beauty," he grinned as he Rafaelle easily angered, and then looked at his eyes gave the fire.
The bundle of clothes fell on the table and Rafaelle drove in a reluctant movement the cat on its own. The animal, however, glanced up from only one eye to the uninvited guests before she turned to the side and Rafaelle punished with ignorance.
Sighing, he settled on the skin and waited patiently for the small inspection of the man. It did not make much sense to want to force something Aljosha when old friend anything deemed important.
"It is a journey into the past, when I'm with you," murmured Rafaelle quiet after a while and stared at the small flames behind the board. "My way is always available to you Josh, but it seems ripe for a tidal Jump to visit you."
"I know my boy. You made many trips ... "
" And I paid for it Aljosha. "Rafaelle eyes lit up briefly in a well-known expression, whipping oneself, since two lives tormented and could not forgive.
" It was every time the same if I'm awake. I stare at the tubes in my body as if it were the last thing I can really feel in my new life. After that comes everything else ... again. "
Aljosha love for the Velaaner, his friend, was all the pain and all the associated memories, neither nor diminish. The only thing he could do really was to help a Jeccschalen to pursue the breakthrough goal of the restless Spirit pursued. And may also appear as in the past Rafaelle life, before the young man was so scared and felt this insatiable hatred.
"I will not argue with you again Rafaelle. It is quite impossible to purify up to the effect or even to get ..."
"To not even you have the right Aljosha!"
"Did I not?" Aljosha old face was a bit harder. "I have also experienced."
"I thought they had broken up," whispered Rafaelle rough. "I thought they were dead ... if I had known that you still live where you are, I would sooner come to seek you ... "
" You've too. "Aljosha wrinkled arm went through the short distance between them and lay down on Rafaelle dark hair. Tenderly, he stroked the soft strands, his fingers gently over the left smooth glide, always young face. "You found me and saved."
Bitter Rafaelle laughed and threw back his head, the comforting hand flung back from him. "Yes. A whole life later. "When the two men looked in his eyes, he was the one who first looked away and finally got up.
" A whole, cursed life, Josh. The beast has raged and was intoxicated at their Power. I was blind to everything that has happened to me. I had no sight more for others, for their fate or their pain. Not the smallest message has found its way to me, because I could feel nothing else but my hatred. Everything is constantly mirrored in my eyes. Until I ... your trailer was ... "
Rafaelle stopped abruptly. Aljosha turned your back to staring at the pictures of those days where he does not even recognize. He saw the disfigured creature that he was then, distorted because of the insatiable hunger for revenge and killing. Nearly two lives had it requires from the monster of yesteryear are the Velaaner leave. Even today, the resting wild animals do not.
"I have never said that it was your fault Naéll." The old name Taste of yesteryear stole on Aljosha lips. "Why can not forgive where there is no reason."
"Josh ..." Rafaelle clenched his hands tamed, the urge that rose in him again and made the impatience to rage.
"When we were at university and later at the academy, you always talk about new ways that are only accessible Velaanern. You were obsessed with the knowledge that we could collect and you have pulled us all in your spell with your views and ideas about a new world. " Aljosha voice was insistent like a mantra. That past was that he wanted to represent in Rafaelle eyes. "You hurt yourself Naéll, and this for so long."
"Then heal my wounds." Rafaelle turned to him to ask for absolution. "Tell me a name."
Alsjosha shook his head. It was easier to rush against a wall titanium and to bring down, to breathe as Rafaelle gentle and interested parties back to life. He was a stranger. His dark hair lay over the body like a soft curtain of black velvet night, these strange eyes but dark and hidden behind the wheel of vengeance. Aljosha breathed deeply. It hurt to see Rafaelle Sun
:: That's not you::
Rafaelle turned away. Glowing fire him raced across the back, burned himself in almost an impossible pace in his perceptions. Ears heard his cries again, the body felt again the pain that had shaped his life forever.
:: Written in black ... on flesh and blood. ::
Sometimes it was too much for Rafaelle. Often he could feel the sign, and then hermetically closed himself off from everyone accompanying him, met him with affection or sympathy. Then it was as it spread from a void in it that was so powerful that he felt pain could. She grabbed his heart, pounding in protest against his chest, the cold welding pressed by its drilling, wrapped him in a cold and black.
Then came the pictures, crazy grotesque faces, mad laughter and hands that pulled at him ... gnawed at his inside, it erodes. His life force sucked from his body, only the empty shell left behind, which looked disoriented and weak in blinding hot light - and they came back, started again, all to demand of him until he cried, the delusion forfeited half the blood on staring at his body.
Raféll moaned softly and leaned against the Shelf. Laid hands around his upper body searched for the pain to uproot them off.
"It belongs to Jos," he whispered. "It can not stop ..."
Aljosha could not help here. These attacks came and went and he had seen many times before. So he waited a long moment until he was sure that as far Rafaelle had calmed down and taken prisoner, that he could carry on. A certain indifference to the opposite, which he had become knowledgeable witness helped him objectivity and strategic thinking again the old fish out that his friend needed now. Jos and Jos, the rock in the language of Velaaner.
"The appropriate sensors have identified a small squadron. It consists mainly of fighter pilots but also major war cruisers. The consumption of residues to the conclusion that this is an already completed raid.
We have between half a sun change the Calysp and the Aginbargadsektor found and calculates a probable route. They are on the sea of lights and I am sure that they want to retreat into the underlying regions. "
"What about other planets. I remember vaguely that there must K'Ras are somewhere."
Aljosha voice had assumed the tone of a professional strategists. The long training at the Academy had manifested in him, like a second skin.
"He is not interesting here. Between him and the sea are innumerable light-years. The Calyspsektor was the Wilwan this time well enough and their likely prey are abundant. It is possible that they are to withdraw to new formations. It is not, unfortunately, known whether to stay more than one association in the sea. "
"Where is my fleet?"
"She is close enough to intercept the Wilwan, but removed enough to not be seen." Aljosha tapped a short code into the lap before and raced a number column on the small screen.
"A little moon is two jumps away from our current collection point, we do not attract attention. The planets in this quadrant are uninhabited, and we need only one exit, to achieve the Wilwan. We could catch up with her so if it the sea of lights have already achieved. "
" Well. "Aljosha threw another look at the lap." Your main fleet the Wilwan is in hot pursuit. It will be sufficient ... You have divided them since the last attack. Two of your battleships circle Velaa still in orbit ...""
"They should stay there. I need it in case that the father needs my help."
Rafaelle shook images and feelings from himself. Everything comes and goes to the cycle of tides. The ancient law of elementary helped him again now, back to him the upper hand over him, to again practical and concrete decisions.
"What is your command?" The useless question floated through the room like a distant drumbeat that seemed the refractory sprung. By itself crept Rafaelle hand back into his coat pocket and felt the little flower. His hands closed tightly around the paper and crumpled it.
"incitement and destruction ..." Two words that Rafaelle dominated thinking.
"The cargo?"
"probing. If the origin should be known, it brings back go back there. If raw materials of value to be there, it creates in my refinery and then sold them. "
" Is this live for cargo? "
" No. "Rafaelle bowed his head slightly and pulled his hand out of his pocket. small, ruined Rose was in it. "Bring them home ... doctored them in good faith, and help them remember to return to better times. "His thumb stroked caring about the red, ragged leaves." It is a futile exercise, I know. What was once destroyed, can not cure everything. "
" Good. I pass on your orders ... "Groaning Aljosha finally got up and went behind the big chair and pushed it a little to one side. Behind it was a small tin trunk to light, the Aljosha picked up surprisingly easily. In short, he meant Rafaelle, the lap to take off the table so he could leave the chest on it. Encouragingly, he looked his old friend on here, as he lifted the lid.
"It's been a while since Rafaelle. I want to take any risks." He glanced at the bundle of clothes that still lay unheeded on his desk. "Besides ... we know you, and I Xo. You will now want to go back to the fire still hard and I think this is an excellent idea. But," he looked at his friend again, from top to bottom, "I am thinking as Xo. What has always led up to this noble Ausstraffierung, you'll still notice how your black monolith in the message."
Rafaelle nodded silently and quickly took off his clothes while the old man smiling at the contents of his chest was dedicated. Command and are not aware of his charisma, Rafaelle took with him the rite of innocence to his friend and stood naked next to him, while the bundle of clothes was opened clumsy. Just the ignorance about how he looked, made in Rafaelle Aljosha eyes all the more pristine - and untouchable.
"You run so still no underwear out of the house ...? He chuckled and let his head while a precaution disappear into his chest as his shirt flew past him. Innocence and joy was now all that needed Rafaelle Aljosha and had always known how to enable well-placed comments by his friend to light a rage.
"And your eyes still look very closely at everything that moves naked next to you." Rafaelle smiled gently, looked for somewhere the clue to the old carefree days. As Aljosha took the small, silver device in the chest, he lowered his eyes again and grabbed the black leather pants, had brought the Xo for him. He quickly pulled the soft Fabric over and reached for the calf high flat boots, which he put as well.
"Sit down." It was obedience to Rafaelle that he was forced into the chair in which had previously been sitting Aljosha. When his friend came to his side and he stroked her hair reassuringly over his shoulder, muttering softly Rafaelle words, hardly anyone could understand. An ancient spell remembered Aljosha and forbade any view on the body. Rafaelle stretched out his arm and let him slide on the arm relaxed. "The festival is beautiful," he muttered while.
"I know. I see in your eyes Naéll." Sent Aljosha tapped the veins in Rafaelle elbow and set to the device. A small spot only, then filled the vial with the dark blood of the Velaaners.
"Hold still. Now I need two."
Rafaelle pondering stared into the flames and made the ritual endured.
"May I ask the name of the lucky ones?"
Rafaelle frowned. Happy?
"What do you mean?"
Aljosha quickly changed the ampoules and grin. "Well, your support tonight. Or did you like the festival so much that you have not found until after midnight to see me?"
But his friend just stared at him blankly, waiting silently until the second ampoule and was quickly pushed a Aljosha ointment on the puncture wound and released him with a satisfied smile.
"That's enough Will. Marut send you?"
"Both want. I'm not a renewed risk to be taken my friend." Rafaelle got up and reached for the plain white T-shirt and his beloved, dark leather jacket to be both not easy. He pointed with a brief nod to the vials with his blood. "You are forward-looking, as always, Josh." A knowing smile was the only answer.
dressed ready Rafaelle put both hands on his friend's shoulder and drew him a big hug.
"In two days or less," muttered Aljosha to Rafaelle chest and rubbed his head gently against the fabric of the shirt. "You'll meet again a little more in your life and have your ships will be as strong as your heart. But you will be satisfied and happy, so never be more."
"Take care of you," Rafaelle whispered and kissed the wrinkled cheek. "Thanks."
As Rafaelle had gone quiet and Marut by hawking noticeable, is Aljosha triggered its rigidity and looked at the two glass beads, which was reflected in the dark blood Rafaelle. He tenderly stroked the two vials and lifted it up to move it into the appropriate container. A Click on him showed that the openings were locked and the tiny centrifuge had begun to turn in it already.
He reached for his cane and walked to the shop to Marut Kaim and the commands and the blood of their Lord to offer them.
:: Written in black ... on flesh and blood::
somewhere in the neighborhood, there was where the fire festival already passed its peak, found a quiet place on a Rafaelle Steingesims next to a pool of water on which he settled down, had to once again to give the world go by his attention.
The colorful tangle between the fires and torches his pent-up emotions is not immediately brought the desired effect and distraction. But the small gestures of the dancers, the laughter of the passers-by and spectators helped him a little bit to get back to the few hours he had spent in his feeling before a long eternity in these very streets Inshan.
said the large space under it to life, liberty and happiness that was so far away, that would stretch Rafaelle not even shake hands afterwards, without first to get the stars of heaven, before he could feel those two things. As the dancers down there who are in close groups moving, every corner filled out and carried away here and there could even help to drink from the pool when their minds were heated too.
The tables of the cafes and restaurants were filled with visitors who were laughing and joking, unrestrained persuaded each other in silent embraces or adapts to their feelings on this night.
Rafaelle noticed that he had involuntarily found their way back to precisely the place where Inshan and he had visited the little bistro. His eyes wandered from one man, until he punished himself with a smile because he had actually intended, nor seen somewhere a bright trail of the way, for he traveled with Inshan had. Traces became blurred at the moment when it was passed in places and public places and no one would see even the smallest sign that he had ever been here.
was here and there lives. This time, passed through no leavened or spasmodic feeling self-control his thoughts. Rafaelle smiled again as he played with a crumpled paper in his fingers.