Sunday, December 16, 2007

Internal Melanoma In Women

* Blink *

Haloha ^. ^

time wüda
items * may * look at last entry
September 6 o.0
DA is yes times wüda time to post something .. ne XDD

Since September is NEN already bissl what happens .........
How gailo Girugämesh and Gazetto Konzi *_________*
YES in the long anstehn Gazetto autograph session has really ,...... gelohn aba one can say yet .,.........
fortunate that the railway strike has .... who bask the Whity, Chibi-, un-Maca Stffülein only Friday morning in Berlin was the one who un NEN bissl but probably too late geworn.___. The
Abnede to the WE at Horai warn ja auch nich of bad parents .. just say XDDD
Magga ne Karaoke Believe me Leude the video which was created this would you rather see non >.\u0026lt;........ As all ma
wüda in Dresden warning .. we went home .... no non-first then we went to yet Shumatsu (our minniminni Con)
so half-dead as I was there, as long hats me non gehaltn * lol * un so he went with Whity Sun entlich the evening home.

As Stefü wüda the next day in the school had ..... and there on their 1 day, and almost too late kamx__x ... my teacher looked first not bad when I suddenly had black hair, with ner blond streak splashing around partying * *
you saying only that it remains non-splashing around so long ^ ^
After 2 weeks they sent me back to our heads of school (yes, then come have-.-), which I briefly
un pain said: black or blond ..... o.0 ....... hattn to my Pnnylein s also a lot of suspend aba remained as it was XXDD
it would mean completely black color T________________T
Who to consider whether I se the closing ceremony wüda pure evil grin * do *

What is och so happens
* scratch head *

AHSO ... WE vorhiges was it B-vit ^_____^
as bleak Aloha, Hunter, Magga un ITCHEN in 2 moves into the big wide and Berlin.
where we also picked Horai * thanks again *
Hullala as many paths as there .. because langfahrnx___X Man needs already NEN FührerXD
.......... Even the stupid never was time hamm times through Berlin to mau Laufner ;___; *..........
Well .. came for the 1 B-Vit wars very funny ^_____^
boredom as rare .. un when it happened that, since so gabs ne chic dance mat abddanzen where you * could * So gggg
came hopping Steffu NEN bissl around on it .... un ran out of breath after her krizzelte they diligently NEN few Con_Hons.
Iwann is sometimes the best Day-to-end un said wüda "departure" T___T
So again verabschiedn strong and then to the station abbi>. \u0026lt;
Wos times wüda to MC Doof
-.- Then went for 4 hours by train ..... with NEM Photo Shoot. .... XD
un Steffu landed with her cuddly panda in her fluffy bed ^ - ^

Yesterday it was time wüda scratch hair ... are non-aba with me .. XDD no, my hair still all drann ^ ^ But the
The lucky ones were allowed to be scratched from our Obawüsel Magga (.... sounds cruel iwie o.0XD) were
Hunter Chibi .. Dat .. .. un Miya Schockümana ^ __ ^
Hulla was scratched NEN colorful thing ..* grin *
Nachm called it then "Slingo go to the color" also
Un so had Hunter Strähhen .. Miya NEN blond little head blob encouraging un ne Chibi complete staining bekomm ^ ^
photos had to be made even more so of course, un Chipsü Sun snapped pictures of the masterpieces of hard
Everything had now come to an end un Sun verlißen Chibi's apartment and went all out in the cold x___X
Since Steffüchen dat yes with her Mum and the Italians went to the movies was called ,.... adopt it then
T___T So I went all knuffelte by un un drove into the path towards the city.
: After a nerve Lasange un bar we went into the movie "The Golden Compass" (gailo film)
we went well into the warm bed * __ *

Heude there were only one XD even be Fauli un nix ^ ^ make
given 're also numal Sundays da ne? ^.

^ So that's what's happening is .....
(gabs more aba I do not present an shreibn XD)

schüssi * say * *
knuffl *

Büs soon
* * wggtippl

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Marshmallow And Coconut Dessert

Grüßti Hello Hello ^ ^ un

Hoho I binn wüda XD

Was so long nothing around here think about grad actually * shock *... aba why I find no reason vernümpftiger a>. \u0026lt;* Lol * Can

so times on my " Report spectacular "day

So .. so it all started as normal,

After Teffü has made their morgentlichen yoga exercises, they had breakfasted un looked annoyed at her Zettl, so they immediately knew what they had done everything-.-* lol * How
Meerlis muck out, Cos durchzuführn individual parts work together seek improvement + and and and.
After all the hard work that has done it a lot XD but they hunger for something leggere un she was dat chucks .... what exactly did you know all non un called it "yogurt and apple Traubner cornflakes salad "was something serious, aba, despite all this, very legga ^ - ^

A quick glance at the clock veriet which had only 1 1 / 2 hours until they were their" musset go exciting internship " * drop *
Sit Up dahinn they are still a bit on the PC server to be meaningless by the area. _.
discovered until she ne side, so they come almost too late who x__x
her name is * drumroll *
This site was also to blame why you get suddenly Deprisionen had ... because .. how should all the items to gailo nch get their house? After many considerations
a lot of her as yet, until they realized they had the fastest way to go musstex___x
So she stuffed her things into the bag un ran to the station. That she had received course XD


She was entlich arrived in the "Golden Prague" and the man was found is that had the geschriebn Dienstpaln * _ *
the course she had to ask whether they could still on 15.9 off speak. _.
because she wanted nothing to miss Giru can!
came Ask for a nice, only the words, "that does not work!"
Steffu mood flew in milliseconds from 80 down to 0
"Oh Shidde" she thought to present and introduced himself, as all reasonable and rockin 'in Berlin, un she must sit alone at home un thumbs drehn had T__T
with very poor mood, they cleaned the refrigerators and schnibbelte cucumbers. When she was
vertich so, bored she stared at the un-loving Dienstpaln-.-
10 days to work un four days was free drsuf * rofl *
un certain the entire seven weeks langx_____X
most positive they only one they had a day off on 20:10 to 21:10 and has been asking whether the ringing is so .. because she wants to not miss Gazetto and would make every effort to arrive at their band "Nuber One" ^ ^
then took the giant slim meter man the roster, put him on the table and asked,
Whether Steffu now on 15.9 free hamm mag ° o °
Her grin was well over her face and in response she said: Whoever is misguided nettXD
Un umgeänert it was there and all of its humor rises from 0 to 100 *-*

only their lovely intern colleagues will be glad it less, because of the need now to arbeitn seim day off (from he not even guess at what ._.), Steffu at Giru to rock T____T * gulp *
Is iwie unfähr .. but now she hopes that he leaves on her next day, not the head un them alive can Yy

Because at 8.9 you drive with the "Älütären" XXDDzur Nichi ... and there's better wers all da anzukommen._.

Jo that was my day XD
Hoff I net too much useless stuff geschriebn and you read for the sleeping non XD
spagg present in de Haia
* tired desu *

* winku *

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Sweet Poems For Any One

Ayabie in Berlin ^ 0 ^

Oh wa s that was yesterday x_____x shidde for a good day!

After hours of waiting at times very close to Saturn, entlich Kenzo, Yumehit, Takebi, Aoi intet see *-* un gaz
When I was standing near where I was richtich shake it!
They were all so full of love un Aoi was like laughing but bear * smile *
The best part was when I from each according to the vertical, he was with his signature, was allowed to shake his hand * * freuZ
Yumehi When I was almost afraid to break his gentle hand ^ ^ ... but the is also thin xx
After Takebis Handshake and a love of mine Arigato un then he
it was then already over ;______;
Have watched the still a bit sad ... un binn iwie then went to hall. _.

Aba when I was there, I've came back and again got Onzie * smile * After a
quetscherichenm inlet and then wait for the 5 entlich always on stage ^ ^ hmm The
us so richtich eingeheitst
Aoi * jump jump jump * un all hopped with
oda AARR arr AARR un all aarrtn (walk) with
Un then its great Armkoreografin * o *
Takebi When it looked again as if if he falls asleep XD balt
Aba after the break, he also turned fully on ^ - ^ has hamm
intet un Yumehi even said something to englich "thank you for coming this night" Un
Yumehi then by seim List "Thank you come today since "
(possible deviations ^ ^) Then
more in Japanese .. but they Hamm spoke to us as non Mansch J other bands then eim set the stage go -.-* lol *
Kenzo Solo you should not forget also moving up too ^ ^ *
mention the cold back runterleuft *
As he tried with his drumsticks to explain how we move the arms hamm was tollXD
Can erzähln so much as Aoi Takebi annoyed with his Koreo oda what he has always pulled for aba ne kuffige Schnute ........ I think that is too much XD

Can only say that it was the best J-Rock Konzi I was able to witness!
(on yet Gazette and Kagerou) was
un me already looking forward to next Konzi * o *

Me daweile fun with her / n music PVs un DVDs

* * winku
de Steffu